Pekin Police Department
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. what are the Minimum requirements?
Q. what are the Minimum requirements?
U.S. Citizen
High School Diploma/GED
Valid driver's license
Minimum age: 20 years old at the time of application and 21-35 at time of appointment
Q. Do I have to live in Pekin?
After an agreement between the PBPA and City of Pekin, there are no residency requirements to be a police officer for the Pekin Police Department.
Q. What benefits does PPD offer?
Competitive health insurance including dental and vision will be offered to the officer and their family.

Q. Once the eligibility list is created, how long does the list last?
You will remain on the eligibility list until a position is available. When a position becomes available the highest ranking candidate will continue to the next steps in hiring process. The list will remain active until it has either been exhausted or has expired after 2 years.
Q. Once I'm on the eligibility list, how long before I am hired?
The length of time you are on the elgibility list depends on how soon a position becomes available and where you have ranked on the list. So the higher on the list you rank the better!
Q. Will I be required to attend additional training?
Officers who have not been certified as a full-time police officer in the State of Illinois prior to employment with PPD will be required to attend the academy (currently lasting 16 weeks). The department provides officers with additional training opportunities